Les fertilisants appliqués sous forme liquide

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Guide 04-05-02
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Tableau 2. Engrais solubles

Engrais Formulation Compagnie (Détaillant) Prix détail (2021) Prix au kg d’azote
E-Z-Gro (acides aminés) 18-0-0 Eco+ 280 $/25 kg 62 $
Ferti-Nitro Plus 13,6-0-0 Ferti Organics

(Plant Prod, La Coop)

295 $/22,7 kg 95 $
Sustane WDF 12-0-0 Eco+ 133 $/11,4 kg 98 $
Hi N 10-3-0 BioFert, BC (Plant Prod) 65,20 $/25 kg 26 $
Purely Fish 8-5-1 Purely Organic Products, NJ
Sustane WDF 8-2-4 Eco+ 87 $/11,4 kg 96 $
Ferticare 7-3-7 Nutriag
Organic Blend 6-2-7 BioFert, BC 60 $/25 kg 40 $
Nature’s nectar N 5-0-0 Ez-Gro (JY Marleau, Plant Prod, Organic Atlantic) 5320 $/1000 L 106  $
Aggrand organic series 4-3-3 Aggrand / Amsoil, WI
Nature’s Source Organic 3-1-1 Ball DPF, TX
BioFert Tomates et légumes 3-1-4 BioFert manuf., BC (Plant Prod) 3085 $/1000 L 103 $
Ekinox (poudre) 3-2-5 Organic Ocean, QC (Plant Prod) 101 $/20 kg 168 $
BioFert Bio Fish 3-1-2 BioFert manuf., BC (Plant Prod) 3043 $/1000 L 101 $
Drammatic K 2-5-0,2 Dramm Corp, WI

(Plant prod)

95 $/9,46 L 512 $
Émulsion de poisson Acadie 2-4-0,5 Acti-Sol 66,98 $/10 L 335 $
Verdanta PL-2 2-0-6 Bioworks, NY

(Plant Prod)

56,80 $/9,46 L 300 $
TrueBlend 1,3-0,75-0,75 Agriculture Solutions, ON
Organic Fish Gem 2-3-0 Evergreen liquid plant food, ON (Nutri-Vert)
Extrait algues 0,3-0,3-4 Earth alive clean technologies, QC
Hydrolysats de poisson 2-3-0 Earth alive clean technologies, QC
Fertilizer to Sprinkle On the Go 4-2-8


Fertiplus, Fermofeed, Pays-Bas
Fertiplus liquid NPK 3-2-7


Fertiplus, Fermofeed, Pays-Bas 115 $/10 L

3999 $/1000 L

383 $ - 230 $

133 $- 80 $

AgriSea BioFish AgriseaBioFish, SK
Grassoline Fish Fertilizer 2-0-0


Renuable Resource, BC

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