Guide 04-02-R

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Guide 04-02-R
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La France, D. et al. 2015. Système de planches permanentes en culture maraîchere. CETAB+ et IRDA.

La France, D. et E. Maynard. 2007. Les engrais verts en culture maraîchère. Conseil pour le développement de l’agriculture du Québec (CDAQ), Longueuil. 8 p.

Weill, A. 2015. Comprendre et réussir le sous-solage. CETAB+, Victoriaville p.42


Ball, B.C., Batey, T. et L.J. Munkholm. 2007. Field assessment of soil structural quality - a development of the Peerlkamp test. Soil Use and Management. 23: 329-337.

Ball, B.C. et Munkholm, L. R. (eds). 2015. Visual Soil Evaluation: Realising Potential Crop Production with Minimum Environmental Impact. CABI, Wallingford, UK (in preparation)

Conseil des Productions Végétales du Québec (CPVQ). 2000. Guide de pratique de conservation en grandes cultures. Problèmes de compaction – Module 7 -Diagnostique et correction de problèmes de compaction et de drainage. Feuillet 7A.

Garon B. 2014. Attention à la pression au champ, comment réduire la compaction. MAPAQ.

Gill, W.R. et G.E. Vanden Berg. 1966. Design of tillage tools. In: W.R. Gill and G.E. Vanden Berg (ed.) Soil Dynamics in Tillage and Traction, Auburn, Alabama/USDA. pp. 211-217.

Godwin, R.J. et G. Spoor. 1977. Soil failure with narrow tines. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research. 22:213-228.

Godwin, R.J. et G. Spoor. 2015. Choosing and evaluating soil improvements by subsoiling and compaction control. In: B.C. Ball, et L.R. Munkholm (ed.). 2015. Visual Soil Evaluation: Realising Potential Crop Production with Minimum Environmental Impact. CABI, Wallingford, UK (in preparation).

Lamarre, V. 2012. Réduire la compaction, Réglage des pneus et équilibrage du tracteur. ITA Campus de La Pocatière.

Raper, R.L et J.S. Bergtold. 2006. Using in-row subsoiling and cover crops to increase use of conservation agriculture in the southern US. American Society of Agricultural and Biological  Engineers. Paper 061039. 2006 ASABE Annual International Meeting. Portland, USA.

Raper, R.L et J.S. Bergtold. 2006. In-row subsoiling: a review and suggestion for reducing cost of this conservation tillage operation. Applied Engineering Agriculture. 23: 463-471.

Raper, R.L. 2005. Subsoiler shape for site-specific tillage. 2005. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 21:25-30.

Raper, R.L. 2007. In-Row subsoiler that reduce soil compaction and residue disturbance. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 23:253-258.

Raghavan, G.S.V, P. Alvo et E. McKyes. 1990.  Soil Compaction in Agriculture: A View Towards Managing the Problem. In: Lal R. and B.A. Stewart (ed.) Soil Degradation, Advances in Soil Science vol. 11, Springer, pp 1-36.

Spoor, G., F.G.J. Tijink et P. Weisskopf. 2003. Subsoil compaction: risk, avoidance, identification and alleviation. Soil and tillage research. 73:175-182.

Spoor, G. et R.J., Godwin. 1978. An experimental investigation into the deep loosening of soil by rigid tine. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research.  23::243-258.

Spoor, G. 2006. Alleviation of soil compaction: requirements, equipment and techniques. Soil Use and Management. 22 :113-122

Weill A. 2009. Les profils de sol agronomiques. Un outil de diagnostic sur l’état des sols.  CRAAQ. 132 p.


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