« Modèle:Modèle d'équipement » : différence entre les versions

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Ligne 105 : Ligne 105 :
! Propriété du modèle (en français)
! Propriété du modèle (en français)
! Intégré
! Intégré
! Notes
! Numéro
! Numéro
! Field
! Field
Ligne 110 : Ligne 111 :
! Format requis
! Format requis
! Rules
! Rules
! Notes
|Pagename : devrait-on ajouter au #set?
Ligne 120 : Ligne 121 :
|Description du modèle d'équipement
|Description du modèle d'équipement
Ligne 130 : Ligne 131 :
|Intended use
|Intended use
|Usages attendus du modèle d'équipement
|Usages attendus du modèle d'équipement
|Intended use
|Intended use
Ligne 140 : Ligne 141 :
|Laissé titre générique (sans spécifier du modèle de l'équipement)
Ligne 150 : Ligne 151 :
|Array of text.
|Array of text.
|At least one keyword is recommended.
|At least one keyword is recommended.
|Project Homepage
|Project Homepage
|Page du projet
|Page du projet
|Probablement Pagename aussi car pas d'autre site web public. À moins qu'on veuille avoir une page des évolutions d'un modèle?
Ligne 160 : Ligne 161 :
|Absolute path.
|Absolute path.
|At least one of the project-link or documentation-home fields is required.
|At least one of the project-link or documentation-home fields is required.
|Health and safety notice
|Health and safety notice
|Notes santé et sécurité du modèle de l'équipement
|Notes santé et sécurité du modèle de l'équipement
Ligne 170 : Ligne 171 :
|Not an exhaustive list of all risks associated with the thing, but a summary of the most important risks and hazards associated with making, using, maintaining or disposing. Knowledge of such issues could influence the decision to make the thing.
|Not an exhaustive list of all risks associated with the thing, but a summary of the most important risks and hazards associated with making, using, maintaining or disposing. Knowledge of such issues could influence the decision to make the thing.
|Primary contact
|Primary contact
|Contact primaire
|Contact primaire
|À mettre dans une section unique du formulaire?
Ligne 180 : Ligne 181 :
|[https://standards.internetofproduction.org/pub/okh#primary-contact Voir norme pour les specs]
|[https://standards.internetofproduction.org/pub/okh#primary-contact Voir norme pour les specs]
|Where used, provide at least one email address or social media user handle.
|Where used, provide at least one email address or social media user handle.
|Ajouter section additive au formulaire?
Ligne 190 : Ligne 191 :
|List of contributors [https://standards.internetofproduction.org/pub/okh#86d5c628-58df-49f9-b43f-9483084e1099 Voir norme pour les specs]
|List of contributors [https://standards.internetofproduction.org/pub/okh#86d5c628-58df-49f9-b43f-9483084e1099 Voir norme pour les specs]
|Recommended. A name is required for each contributor listed.
|Recommended. A name is required for each contributor listed.
|Passer résultat par requête si photos taguées avec sémantique?
Ligne 200 : Ligne 201 :
|Absolute or relative path to image file.
|Absolute or relative path to image file.
|Thing version
|Thing version
|Peut-être renommer pour être Version du modèle de l'équipement?
|Defines the version of the thing that is represented by this manifest.
|Defines the version of the thing that is represented by this manifest.
|Stage of development
|Stage of development
|Statut de développement
|Statut de développement
|À ajouter
|Note: The Open Know-How Working Group intends to develop recommended values for this field to support commonality across manifest files. This is likely to be made by reference to a external standard.
|Indicates the maturity of the design and documentation development.
|Indicates the maturity of the design and documentation development.
|Note: The Open Know-How Working Group intends to develop recommended values for this field to support commonality across manifest files. This is likely to be made by reference to a external standard.
|Has been made
|Has been made
|A été fabriqué
|A été fabriqué
|À ajouter
Ligne 227 : Ligne 228 :
|Indicates whether the thing has been made and verifies that it is makeable.
|Indicates whether the thing has been made and verifies that it is makeable.
|Boolean – “true” or “false“
|Boolean – “true” or “false“
|Has been made independently
|Has been made independently
|A été fabriqué indépendamment
|A été fabriqué indépendamment
|À ajouter
Ligne 236 : Ligne 237 :
|Indicates whether the thing has been made using the documentation by someone who was not a contributor to the design or documentation and, therefore, verifies that the documentation is sufficient to make the thing.
|Indicates whether the thing has been made using the documentation by someone who was not a contributor to the design or documentation and, therefore, verifies that the documentation is sufficient to make the thing.
|Boolean – “true” or “false“
|Boolean – “true” or “false“
|Standards used
|Standards used
|Standards utilisés
|Standards utilisés
|Ajouter section additive au formulaire?
Ligne 246 : Ligne 247 :
|Array of arrays. [https://standards.internetofproduction.org/pub/okh#standards-used Voir norme pour les specs]
|Array of arrays. [https://standards.internetofproduction.org/pub/okh#standards-used Voir norme pour les specs]
|Do not list standards to be used by the maker or user, instead these should be referenced in the relevant documentation.
|Do not list standards to be used by the maker or user, instead these should be referenced in the relevant documentation.
|Derivative of
|Derivative of
|Dérivé de
|Dérivé de
|À ajouter?
Ligne 256 : Ligne 257 :
|[https://standards.internetofproduction.org/pub/okh#derivative-of Voir norme pour les specs]
|[https://standards.internetofproduction.org/pub/okh#derivative-of Voir norme pour les specs]
|Where derivative-of used, the title sub-field is required.
|Where derivative-of used, the title sub-field is required.
|Variant of
|Variant of
|Variante de
|Variante de
|À ajouter?
|Where the thing is a variant, links to the original.
|Where the thing is a variant, links to the original.
|[https://standards.internetofproduction.org/pub/okh#variant-of Voir norme pour les specs]
|[https://standards.internetofproduction.org/pub/okh#variant-of Voir norme pour les specs]
|À ajouter?
|Where the design uses sub-components, sub-assemblies etc that are also available as open know-how, links to the documentation.
|Where the design uses sub-components, sub-assemblies etc that are also available as open know-how, links to the documentation.
|List of sub-things [https://standards.internetofproduction.org/pub/okh#sub-thing Voir norme pour les specs]
|List of sub-things [https://standards.internetofproduction.org/pub/okh#sub-thing Voir norme pour les specs]
|À ajouter
Ligne 284 : Ligne 285 :
|[https://standards.internetofproduction.org/pub/okh#license Voir norme pour les specs]
|[https://standards.internetofproduction.org/pub/okh#license Voir norme pour les specs]
|Rules: At least one license is required. All three license types are recommended. The format should be an SPDX identifier [3]. See https://spdx.org/licenses/
|Rules: At least one license is required. All three license types are recommended. The format should be an SPDX identifier [3]. See https://spdx.org/licenses/
|À ajouter? comment nommer?
|States who is licensing the thing.
|States who is licensing the thing.
|[https://standards.internetofproduction.org/pub/okh#licensor Voir norme pour les specs]
|[https://standards.internetofproduction.org/pub/okh#licensor Voir norme pour les specs]


Version du 2022-10-17 à 18:20:58

Accueil > Équipements > Autoconstruction

Modèle d'équipement

Type(s) d'équipement





Prix d'achat estimé

Commande numérique

Capacité de production
Durée de vie estimée


Guide d'utilisation

Guide d'entretien



Usages attendus

Notes Santé et sécurité


Date Contributeur Caractéristique +/- Justification

Autres notes

Info sur la modélisation Autoconstruction

Le standard de méta-données Open Know How est utilisé comme source de modélisation des pages d'équipements.

Le tableau suivant expose les propriétés descriptives du standard et comment le lien est été établi entre le Wiki maraîcher et le standard.

Propriété du standard (en anglais) Propriété du modèle (en français) Intégré Notes Numéro Field Purpose Format requis Rules
Title Titre X Pagename : devrait-on ajouter au #set? 4.6.1. Title A title to identify the thing. Text. Required.
Description Description X 4.6.2. Description du modèle d'équipement Describes the thing. Paragraph. Required.
Intended use Usages attendus du modèle d'équipement X 4.6.3. Intended use Informs the maker for what purpose the designer intends the thing to be used. In particular, make reference to the context and type of users. Paragraph. Recommended.
Keywords Mot-clé X Laissé titre générique (sans spécifier du modèle de l'équipement) 4.6.4. keywords Provides a small number of terms that can be used to help identify. Array of text. At least one keyword is recommended.
Project Homepage Page du projet Probablement Pagename aussi car pas d'autre site web public. À moins qu'on veuille avoir une page des évolutions d'un modèle? 4.6.5. project-link Where the thing or associated project has a web presence that is separate from the documentation (e.g. a marketing page), links to the web resource. Absolute path. At least one of the project-link or documentation-home fields is required.
Health and safety notice Notes santé et sécurité du modèle de l'équipement X 4.6.6. health-safety-notice Highlight health and safety risks and/or necessary precautions that the maker should be aware of as part of the decision to make the thing. Paragraph Not an exhaustive list of all risks associated with the thing, but a summary of the most important risks and hazards associated with making, using, maintaining or disposing. Knowledge of such issues could influence the decision to make the thing.
Primary contact Contact primaire À mettre dans une section unique du formulaire? 4.6.7. contact Provides a point of contact for people who wish to discuss the thing. Voir norme pour les specs Where used, provide at least one email address or social media user handle.
Contributors Contributeurs Ajouter section additive au formulaire? 4.6.8. Contributors Credits the contributors to the know-how. May include people who designed, produced documentation, tested the documentation by making, reviewed and/or edited documentation, or made another contribution as deemed valued by the project or manifest-author. List of contributors Voir norme pour les specs Recommended. A name is required for each contributor listed.
Image Image Passer résultat par requête si photos taguées avec sémantique? 4.6.9. image  Provides a graphical representation of the thing. Absolute or relative path to image file. Recommended.
Thing version Version X Peut-être renommer pour être Version du modèle de l'équipement? 4.6.10. version Defines the version of the thing that is represented by this manifest. Text.
Stage of development Statut de développement À ajouter Note: The Open Know-How Working Group intends to develop recommended values for this field to support commonality across manifest files. This is likely to be made by reference to a external standard. 4.6.11. development-stage Indicates the maturity of the design and documentation development. Text
Has been made A été fabriqué À ajouter 4.6.12. made Indicates whether the thing has been made and verifies that it is makeable. Boolean – “true” or “false“
Has been made independently A été fabriqué indépendamment À ajouter 4.6.13. made-independently Indicates whether the thing has been made using the documentation by someone who was not a contributor to the design or documentation and, therefore, verifies that the documentation is sufficient to make the thing. Boolean – “true” or “false“
Standards used Standards utilisés Ajouter section additive au formulaire? 4.6.14. standards-used Indicates any standards that have been used in developing the design or documentation. Array of arrays. Voir norme pour les specs Do not list standards to be used by the maker or user, instead these should be referenced in the relevant documentation.
Derivative of Dérivé de À ajouter? 4.6.15. derivative-of Where the thing is a derivative of a different thing (e.g. the documentation has been forked), links to the original thing. Voir norme pour les specs Where derivative-of used, the title sub-field is required.
Variant of Variante de À ajouter? 4.6.16. variant-of Where the thing is a variant, links to the original. Voir norme pour les specs
Sub-thing Composante À ajouter? 4.6.17. sub Where the design uses sub-components, sub-assemblies etc that are also available as open know-how, links to the documentation. List of sub-things Voir norme pour les specs
License Licence À ajouter 4.6.18. License States the licenses under which the thing is made available. Voir norme pour les specs Rules: At least one license is required. All three license types are recommended. The format should be an SPDX identifier [3]. See https://spdx.org/licenses/
Licensor Licenceur À ajouter? comment nommer? 4.6.19. licensor States who is licensing the thing. Voir norme pour les specs

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